When Your Inner Story Changes,
Your Outer Experience Changes
Do you long to turn down the volume and calm the chaos?
You are not alone. If you’ve found yourself wishing the world would settle down, be quiet, or hit pause for just a few minutes, you’re in good company. Our world has changed. The past few years has brought more instability and upheaval than any of us have ever experienced. We’ve dealt with extraordinary levels of:
- Stress
- Fear
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Grief
Living with so much instability has been exhausting. It makes accomplishing our goals so much more difficult. It stresses our relationships and strains our health. Even thinking about making plans seems overwhelming.

With so much chaos outside, having the capacity to anchor ourselves in our own inner peace is more important than ever.

If you tuned out the noise, what could you achieve?
You know there are things you want to do with your life—talents to cultivate—contributions to make. But so often these goals get left behind in the whirlwind of everyday life.
- Maybe your mind is always racing.
You have a million considerations. You get frustrated because you aren’t living up to your potential. If only you were more organized or more disciplined.
- Maybe if you were smarter or…
Imagine what it would feel like to be able to…
- Soothe that critical inner voice
- Reclaim a steadfast sense of wellbeing
- Calm your self-doubt and worries about the future
- Slip into a quiet oasis whenever you want
Slip into a quiet oasis whenever you want
EFT Tapping
Meet Sree Meleth
Your Guide to Transformation
“Very few people have the presence or the courage to take on this kind of personal exploration. By shining the light of compassion into those places you try to keep hidden, I know you will find more love and acceptance for yourself. And in giving these gifts to yourself, you amplify the love and acceptance that exists in the world. Thank you for being someone who is dedicated to using your life to make a positive difference for yourself, your family, your communities, and the world.”


"Is this it?"
You had dreams once and then life happened and here you are asking
" Where did those dreams go?"
You are not alone and this podcast is to all of you:
This IS Your Time To Shine.
Stepping up & living your dream, standing tall & staking your claim to be seen & heard in the world, is the biggest gift you will give your partner & children
Find your peace
- Become the powerful presence you are!
How much longer will you endure the constant chaos. How much longer will you continue to listen to the running critical inner commentary? Isn’t it time to learn how to access your inner peace and fully embrace yourself?
Are you killing your dreams?
Take the Imposter Syndrome Quiz Today
Peace. Power. Presence. is for anyone who longs for a few moments of peace so they let can accept, embrace, and then go of the stressors that keep them from achieving their dreams.
Our group meetings, including the live guided meditations will be done online via Zoom. In between the calls you will have:
Access to the community online as a member in our exclusive Facebook group
Additional customized tapping session videos to support you in working with the various emotions
A very special bonus of two private one-on-one virtual sessions with Sree
With Peace. Power. Presence., instead of beating ourselves up and giving in, we look at how to embrace those so-called negative emotions, learn from them, reintegrate them into the wholeness of our being – and in so doing discover the peace that comes from accepting and loving ourselves. From there we will have the presence of mind and power to take the most appropriate and effective actions on the path to our deepest goals.
But there’s also a gift. Embedded within this struggle is a loving challenge, an opportunity to reconsider our thoughts and feelings and reinvent our futures based on our true life’s passion instead of on our unexamined fears.
Why wouldn’t you want that now, when the alternative is a never-ending spiral of frustration and futility filled with unhealthy distractions that keep you separated from your own deeper wisdom?
Haven’t you already tolerated enough of that?
If you find yourself stuck at any point during the course, you’ll have access to a supportive community in our dedicated Facebook group where you can discuss your questions, share your experiences, and explore a variety of answers.